Thursday, April 30, 2009

More Hypocrisy (C) (O)

The controversial Miss California Carrie Prejean stopped by The Today Show this morning to announce she’ll be joining the National Organization for Marriage and their “Gathering Storm” in Washington to campaign against gay marriage. E! Newsreports:

“I think this is a huge issue right now. People are very passionate of this issue. I think regardless of our opinions, we just need to respect each other when we disagree. It’s all about respect.”

Of course, the most hilarious aspect of this story is that it comes off the heels of the revelation that the Miss California Organization paid for Carrie to get breast implants:

“It was something that we all spoke about together,” Shanna said referring to herself, Carrie and Keith Lewis, Shanna’s co-executive director. “It was an option and she wanted it. And we supported that decision.”

God LIKES morally bankrupt beauty contests and fake boobs, but does NOT like gay marriage.  Who knew.

What else can you tell us about how we should live our lives, Carrie?


  1. I have given myself a couple of days to dwell and come to the same conclusion as before...I do not think the fact of being in a beauty contest or having fake boobs makes someone a bad Christian or a hyprocrite....I just don't...And I read something yesterday which gave her EXACT quote on the show and it was COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY fine in my opinion. She was asked for "her" opinion on gay marriage and she gave it...even say I don't mean to offend anyone, but I was raised this way and it is just how I honestly feel. Marriage is for a man and woman....."her opinion" and she is as entitled to it as the gays are to theirs I guess......all of this hoopla that has come about as a result is both unfair and just goes along with everything else anymore as far as I am concerned with the world and the media and Christians......they can all freely say what THEY want, and how THEY feel etc. etc., but if a Christian has the guts to speak out well then every little thing they do is torn apart, anaylized and's someone has a boob job, a nose job, a skin peal, a facial, fake nails, or fake eyelashes etc. ect....who cares?? It's digging in my opnion....

  2. Do you know what the difference is? No one is trying to make her lifestyle illegal.

    She's not JUST giving her opinion, she wants her opinion to be the law. She's not just saying its how I was raised and its how I feel, she's saying it's how I was raised and therefor the LAW should be that its how everyone is raised.

    People look down on her fakeness and it's fine and dandy but no one is saying she shouldn't even be legally ALLOWED to live her life the way she wants to. She's the one saying that.

    That's what makes her a hypocrite.

  3. No, she was asked, In "your" opinion should gay marriages be legal??? And her answer was, "I don't intend to offend anyone, but I was raised to believe marriage should be between a man and woman, and it is honestly what I believe." Never did she say "her" opinions SHOULD be the law nor it is how everyone should be raised (even if she is saying it now after all the hoopla was made about what she said.) It is how she feels...So??...being in a beauty pagent or having fake boobs etc. etc., is not a borderline question in anyone's eyes as to rather or not is should be would be like asking her should it be legal to lie, or steal, or cheat, or murder or rather or not abortion should be legal, or rather or not she thinks that sex before marriage is OK, or a number of other things.....she can have a definite opinion on these things and even what the results of such things should be, draw her line and be firm in what she believes. It doesn't then make her a hypocrite because after all she is in a beauty pagent with fake boobs and surely God is against, I don't think anyone could say that at may not necessarily be the right choice for her or a particularily noble thing to on etc., but it doesn't mean that she is then without any moral judgement whatsoever. This is a really weird thing by the way for you to be so opininated on. Do you think gay marriage should be legal?? Do you not honestly think as Christians God is VERY definite on this subject??? And other than the scripture about a woman not being interested ONLY in the outward adornment of her body, what does it really say about beauty pagents or fake boobs, or fake nails, or fake eyelashes, or make up, or hair dye, or pretty dresses etc. etc. etc....???? Mel at one time HEAVILY considered getting a boob job....had she done so (which I did advise against for many reasons) I would not have thought God would be against it or that she was sinning or being a hypocrite etc....Grandma had a boob job due to wanting to after her do thousands of technically, she didn't need boobs to live or anything close to was all about how she would "look"...and what is wrong with that??? Now obviously thousands more have it done to just enhance what they have. To look better in clothes, or just to get more attention etc....whose to say whose motive is OK, and whose is not??? It's a pointless she had a boob job...and???

  4. First of all, she is part of a movement saying it should be illegal and trying to make illegal. Gathering Storm or something like that. So it's not just her opinion, its what she wants the law to be.

    Second, to me it has very little if anything to do with gay marriage. It's about hypocrisy. It's one thing to have an opinion and it's another thing to voice your opinion on a national level and try to force others into your way of thinking. She's as entitled to an opinion as anyone else is.

    I'm just flabbergasted I have to convince you there's something biblically wrong with who she is and what she does. I would never have seen that coming. And why would you ask me what the bible says unless you're not reading what I'm saying. I Tim 2:9. How many more times do I have to say it. You either believe that part of the Bible is true or you don't. What you're saying is that you don't believe that part. Which is fine, but don't ask me where it says what, we've talked about this in great detail.

    As to the rest, if you're bringing your own life or Melody's life and whoever else's life into the discussion you're probably missing the point. We're talking about Miss California and who she is and what she said and what she does. Not Melody or grandma or Jackie Kennedy.

  5. I've had a couple of minutes to play with this.

    1 Tim. 2:9 says, “Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments; 10 but rather by means of good works, as befits women making a claim to godliness.”

    The biblical pattern for the dress of a woman is modesty. Now, the context of these verses is dealing with fancy adornment; that is, it is dealing with a woman spending lavish amounts of money on clothing. This draws attention to herself and demonstrates she is overly concerned with appearance. THERE IS NO possible way you can't interpret that to include elective plastic surgery.

    Note what two commentaries state:

    “These terms stress not so much the absence of sexual suggestiveness, though it is included, but rather an appearance that is simple, moderate, judicious, and free from ostentation.”
    “Those that profess godliness should, in their dress, as well as other things, act accordingly; instead of laying out their money on fine clothes, they must lay it out in works of piety and charity, which are properly called good works.”

    The emphasis is that a Christian woman should be more concerned with displaying her godly character than her skin. If her goal is to impress a man with her godliness, then she is being holy and sanctified. On the other hand, if she believes is trying to display herself in order to entice a man, then she is not being modest. Nevertheless, the point of modesty includes refraining from flaunting one’s body.

    Phillipians 2:3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves.

    1Peter 5:5 And all of you, clothe yourselves with humility in your dealings with one another, for: “God opposes the proud but bestows favor on the humble.

    ”Proverbs 21:4 An high look, and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked, is sin.

    Proverbs 26:12 Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.

  6. Apparently, I inadvertently offended mom by saying that she "chose" to have her surgery done...that was NEVER my intent....I was only trying to say that thousands and thousands of women DUE TO MEDICAL reasons are put in the position where they have (in essence) "fake" boobs...and for VERY VERY obvious cosmetic reasons....OBVIOUSLY you can live without boobs, but why in the world would you??? (though some chose to, and I see nothing wrong with that either) No one I am quite certain (including you) is arguing only point was, to say that fake boobs are offense to God, is WAY too large of a blanket statement....thousands and thousands more get them with NO INTENTION whatsoever to lure men to look at them lustfully or anything else. But simply to make themselves "look" nicer or more attractive, look better in clothes etc., and I see nothing more wrong about that than anything else women (or men) do to "look" better...nose jobs, fake eyelashes, fake nails, make-up in general, hours at the gym building up their muscles, beautiful dresses or clothes etc. etc.....At the end of the day, God is interested in our hearts towards Him and each other...and if our whole focus is on ONLY our outward appearance, then it is definitely wrong....if our purpose is so we can entice men and look good while we prance around with all of our clothes off, then again, obviously wrong...but to say a boob job is ALWAYS an offense to God, (even if you are in a beauty pageant) ridiculous....Now, there is the other side of this of course, and thousands and thousands of women are OBSESSED with their looks and have surgeries constantly in their quest to look better, younger, more alluring, etc. etc. I think this is more sad than anything else. So many women really believe their self worth is all tied up in how young and beautiful they look. And unfortunately, there are plenty of people who also see them that way. The younger more beautiful people in life generally get the jobs, the men, and the better life. Sad, but true....thus, the large flock of women doing everything they can to meet the standards they think they have to in order to be loved or successful....My point in all this is to say, God only is in the position to judge that women (or any woman) who decides for whatever reason to get fake boobs (or fake anything) and I do not believe to do so is ALWAYS wrong and sinful...having said ALL of this, you do make some very valid points in that many many many women (and probably those in beauty pageants are at the top of the list) do not dress modestly and are WAY to wrapped up in their looks and bodies, are proud, conceited, and all the rest of it...I myself do NOT think beauty pageants are wholesome, good, or worthy of much of anything at all...but I am sticking with my original thought and that is that I believe this area is personal conviction and therefore a "gray" area, not something that is simply cut and dry and offense and sin against God....and I do believe homosexual marriages are....Again, sorry if I offended you was not my intent....I would have done exactly the same thing as most women I believe would have....and I do believe it wasn't even presented to you as an option...but as an alternative to just sitting around waiting for another attack...why would they suggest just cutting them off and leaving it like that when there was a very obvious alternative?? Anyway, it was probably a bad example of my part, and I am sorry I used it... :)

  7. I don't believe its a sin to be in a beauty contest.

    The thing is, that's not what I really mean to say. What I really mean to say is that I don't think there's anything wrong with being in a beauty contest. It's my opinion that they're stupid and laughable, but not morally wrong to the point where I'd have a problem with you if you were in one. I'd say the same thing about a jump rope competition if it had the same juice behind it.

    What I DO believe is that if Jesus Christ were standing here today, and you put him on national television and asked if what he thought of beauty contests, based on what I've read in the new testament, he'd say they're wrong and he'd rather see them done away with.

    Which happens to be the same thing he'd say about gay marriage.

    Jesus said alot of things most Christians choose to ignore in their actions.

    When the Bible says thou shalt not kill, everyone buys it because not many people ever kill and no one wants to be killed. It's easy to follow and easy to get behind.

    When the Bible says to honor the sabbath day and keep it holy, most people don't really care. People do whatever they want on the sabbath day and they come up with a million excuses for themselves, and deep down they know good and well they're ignoring the Bible and they're hoping and assuming that they're going to be absolved of it eventually, because after all, they're ignoring a small commandment, not a big one.

    When the Bible says its a sin to be gay, its easy to get behind that, no pun intended, because most people aren't gay. So when something like gay marriage comes on the ballot and it gives people a chance to pontificate, the larger the audience the better, people jump at the chance to speak out against it. Humbly, with concerned looks on their faces, their eyebrows narrowed to portray a look of sadness for those poor sinners. It makes them look good to say what the Bible says about gay marriage. It gives people the idea that they live by a strict code, and someone who lives by a strict moral code writ in ancient text... well, that just has to be a good person.

    And as those same people ignore a hundred other things the Bible says, they tell themselves stories.

    Stories about gray areas, and about how Levitical law was done away with, and stories about how some sins are greater than others, stories about how no man is perfect and we all have sinned. Oh, they get creative with the yarns they spin in their own heads. Whether they know it or not, they're practicing for the time when someone calls them on their crap. So they tell themselves stories about how the Bible is very clear when it comes to stealing, but not so horribly clear when it comes to making tons of money and keeping it all for yourself. Nevermind that it is equally clear. And they tell themselves stories about how the Bible says that if you've looked at a woman with lust you've committed adultery with her, but they like to watch, no, Love to watch television shows and movies with naked bodies fornicating left and right. Their sin, they say, may or may not even be a sin. But if it is a sin, its a small sin.

    In most people's minds, the smallest sins are the ones most frequently committed. The little petty ones. Those slippery little suckers, they're the smallest ones. God forgives those ones very easily, even if you know what you're doing is wrong and you continue to do it for the rest of your life, assuming all the while that God is a lawyer and there's a scale to weigh everything and as long as you've got certain bases covered, you're going to be ok in the end. That way salvation isn't too much work and it's not something you really have to inconvenience yourself over. Its very easy and you don't have to work at it or challenge yourself or do anything that requires too much effort.

    Why don't we make X rated movies illegal? And if we're going to do that, why not make R rated movies illegal. Let's just take any movie with gratuitous nudity or violence and say its illegal and can't be made.

    Why don't we make it an actual enforceable law that you have to honor your father and mother. Anyone who doesn't goes to jail.

    If we don't have the stomach to do those things, we should not say gay people can't be married.

    Hypocrisy. Is what that is.

    If a woman is gay and does not believe in God or the Bible, who is anyone to say she has to live by a law that comes from the Bible. At best, they themselves observe everything the Bible says and they're just being mean by making their own interpretation of God the official law of the land. At worst, they're being big fat stinking hypocrites. Watching R rated movies, looking at internet pornography, making tons of money, driving a BMW, lying when it suits them, stealing and calling it something else, being jealous of anyone who has it better than they do, putting their career and their pursuit of promotions and accumulating crap above their pursuit of God... and then saying no gay marriage.

    Its not defensible on intellectual grounds. Its not defensible on Biblical grounds unless you're ready to swallow the whole Bible as law. Its not defensible.

    I've been asked, so I'll answer.

    Personally, I didn't vote when it was on the ballot in California. I wouldn't trouble myself to take the time to register and drag my butt down there, because I don't believe voting does anyone any good.

    That having been said, the voters of California said it should be illegal. So I say in California it should be illegal. I'll go with what happened in a free election. People should have the right to vote on things like that.

    If they had voted the other way, I wouldn't care. I'm willing to allow majority to rule, even if I disagree with it. At one time or another, a majority of voters believed in slavery and beating your wife. Whatever. People are stupid and there's nothing I can do about it, but if people want to vote stupid crap into law I'm not going to waste time or energy worrying about it.

    I'm dropping this. Sometimes you paint yourself into a corner and no one is willing to follow you. That happens quite often when you bring up a subject that by nature causes people to want to watch what they say and only say the parts they think are fit for public consumption. People believe things they won't admit in certain circles or to certain individuals. People get scared off by piety at a high volume.

    The danger in putting up a blog for people to see and inviting them to comment is that sometimes everyone's cards are on the table and there's still no consensus. Then you're just blabbering. That's all I've got.
