Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Obesity

My weight has fluctuated more than any other person I've ever known.

In my adult life, I once weighed as little as 188, which believe it or not actually put my BMI at the lowest end of my ideal weight, and at my porkiest I weighed 331 pounds, which put my BMI a double digit figure of points above the highest category of morbidly obese. Check photos of me at Dean's wedding if you want to see the horror at its worst. I was at a Bruce Springsteen concert around that time when a guy looked at me and started screaming at me to move up against the rail and "STOP THIS LINE", I had no idea what he was talking about and then it hit me, I was so fat that he assumed I was one of the security guys who check tickets, not a mere Springsteen fan.

Being six foot three, and big boned with some muscle, I can carry way more weight than most people would believe. I once had a guy at the LA County Fair guess that I weighed 205, only to shock him when I stepped on the scale and tipped in at 250. His jaw dropped, and I won a giant rubber snake. But I ask you who, who was the real loser?

Bottom line is, from my peak of 330+, which may have been higher because I was petrified of scales at that point, (and also found out, to my horror, that most scales couldn't even weigh me) so it's possible I hit 335 or greater. I became disgusted with myself and went on a giant diet and got all the way down to 220, then hovered between 220 and 240 for about four or five years, and basically looked and felt fine at that weight.

For some annoying reason, about two and a half years ago I began spiraling out of control again. Mexican food is my weakness. And pizza. I eat entire pizzas and dip the slices in ranch if it's nearby. Two apple fritters for breakfast and McDonalds for lunch. My dad eats quite a bit, but I easily eat what my mom and dad eat combined, and then some, with a good eight or ten beers per week mixed in, at 120 calories a pop. I hit 250, 260, 270, and all the while I reminded myself I was still sixty or seventy pounds lighter than my peak, so it was fine right? Right?

Over the holidays, I hit rock bottom. Or rock porky. Giant dinners, asinine snacks, whole packs of cookie dough, endless chips and cookies at work, etc. I'm not talking a bag of chips and one cookie, I assure you. I'm talking about something far darker than that.

My gut was sticking out so far, it was literally starting to hurt my back. I usually wear 42 inch pants, and most of those were now snug. Even XXL shirts were starting to feel liked nipped napkins. Shirts that Melody could wear as a large nightgown could barely fit around my elephantine upper body. I was practically at Big and Tall store proportions.

On January 1st, I came home and stepped on the scale after a gigantic IHOP breakfast, complete with three or four Cokes. Then I saw the number.

301. Three. Oh. One.

I was horrified, and decided it had to stop. I went on a diet, and a few twists and turns aside, I've been fairly decent about it all year so far.

As of this morning I was down to a svelte 287, for a loss so far of 14 pounds. Not a bad start, but I want to get all the way back down to like 245 ish, so I've got a solid forty pounds to go.

I've pretty much made the decision that if I can't get down to 245 by summer time, I'm going to have some kind of surgury on my gut. Or perhaps have my lips stitched shut and be fed through an IV. In all seriousness, hopefully it won't come to surgery, but if I can't get to my goal by beach time, it's an idea officially on the table. Last summer I actually avoided the beach, which I love more than anything, because at 280 with my shirt off I look like Chris Farley. Believe it or not at 245 ish I look bone fine.

So anyway, I thought if I put this out there, then people will know I'm trying to lose weight and it might motivate me to follow through. Forty lousy pounds. It should be doable.


  1. It is VERY doable! I soooooo identify with your post. I have avoided many events (and people) over the last couple of years directly because of my weight. I, also, have a goal of being human this summer. So far I have lost 12 pounds and it is very encouraging. After Weight Watchers today, I felt almost skeletal (at least for a couple of minutes anyway LOL) I will pray for you, as I am for myself to keep this going. So much of it is getting in the right place mentally. Love you and thanks for sharing your feelings.

  2. i totally admire you chuck and at the same time which i was a guy because i would no more put my weight out there on the table than to quote your mom "the man on the moon". but i am totally on board and supporting your weight loss program. i was semi ok the last time i stepped on a scale (my standards have dropped drastically over the years) i wasn't totally appalled and since then as my appetite (or whatever warped reason i truly have for wolf eating) i have simply refused to get on a scale. i am addressing it any minute. so i am supporting you, so please pray for motivation for me.

  3. I guess it is easier for guys. Bottom line for me is, I really don't feel the slightest bit ashamed to weigh any particular number, it's just a number. How I look and feel is all I care about as far as weight, and people can tell that much by glancing at you, so what difference does the number make. Is my attitude.

  4. Well we have hashed this subject sooo many times I feel like I could say Tape #2 side A and my voice would begin droning the same is ALL mind and ALL attitiude... I'm soooo perky your switch is in the on position and I stand at the side cheering and screaming...GO G0 GO GO can do it and I'm right behind somewhat reluctantly doing my best to jump on the bandwagon. Maybe between you and Di with your losses it will spur me too...So far so good today...but I know it means nothing...try not to flip out on this Mel....and Min, while I am not ready to share my horrifying number either trust me, (you'd probably faint dead away) it has become so much less of issue for me over the years it's scary. I am fat. Bottom line...take it or leave it....the problem is it is unhealthy and as such MUST be addressed, or trust me my attitude would become yeah yeah.....

  5. we have similar problems - we can pack it on, and for a while we carry it well. two days ago i tipped the scale at 265.... i have also started a diet.

    few tips

    1) total commitment. our eating habits are similar enough to know that for us, its either all or nothing.

    2) don't kid yourself, dieting sucks. i've often made the mistake of trying to pretend like diet food is good. (sure its good if the only alternative to diet food was eating dirt) and even if it is kind of good that means you can only have a ridiculously small amount. just bite the bullet for a few months, eventually you'll be able to have a decent meal from time to time.

    3) find some way to exercise. even if its only once or twice a weak. i prefer sports, where i trick myself into exercising.

    4) cheat. i think a big part of our problem is our dumb brains never get the "im full" message. so cheat. fiber makes you feel full - either eat foods that are high in fiber or take a fiber supplement. if that doesn't work, find some other (healthy) way of cheating..... water/vegetables/salad/something.

    5) never mentally leave the diet - if you go to restaurant and your not sure how bad something is because you don't know how they make it, just order what you think is nipped. even if it is kind of bad you will still psychologically be on the diet. to knowingly transgress the diet, even for a day, is to head down a slippery slope.

    thats all i got

  6. Weight is a state of mind. As we get older we seem to care less what we look like.

    However. have you all noticed how fast the weight can disappear after a divorce. Old or young.

    Most everyone will slim down to fighting weight as they go on the hunt for a new mate.

    If it can be done then it can be done any time...Motivation???

    Confession time..I am a good 25 lbs over my mid BMI

  7. So does that mean if I leave Todd I will be slim and look like Barbie? If I could I might be tempted to try.....

  8. Donna, that was really funny! Jim, your remark about never mentally leaving the diet is a really good point.

  9. Spin that was hilarious....I'm laughing alone on the couch at 6:00 am...I knew I was missing your comments on here....hahaha

  10. I too am back on the diet bandwagon. John, I'm glad you posted on this. It will help keep me focused and accountable as well.
