Sunday, March 1, 2009

A few points...

For starters, everyone needs to blog more.

I'm calling out the following people... Michelle, Greg, Danae, Grandma, Ant, Bob, and Jesse. All of you need to post more. I log in often, and there's seldom anything new on the personal blog pages. Get cracking people, entertain us. Note Michelle was at the top of the list. What do you have, a molasses keyboard? Jess, you're practically a full blown mute.

Di, my Mom, congratulations, you're both doing very well with the blogging. Keep it up. Jimmy, you're on the bubble. Not bad at all, but could be a bit more often. I'll keep an eye on you, you could easily slip to the other list. Melody is also on the bubble, especially since she's so far away.

Also, why is my brother Joe not on? I see no reason he can't be involved. Surely he could have Leah set it up, and if he doesn't want to type he could dictate blogs. Leah!!! Get moving!!!

Tonight is Big Love and Flight of the Conchords, always a highlight of my week.

Also, to all who read this, please respond in the comment section to the following question...

On a scale of one to ten, how repulsive is it that my parents purchase special cereal for Melody when she comes to visit, that they HIDE so that no one else can get at it, but they purchase bland, crap cereal for me when I live here? I'll get the ball rolling...


  1. 10- and very typical.

    btw john. on my "mute" comment....some of us have lives. ;)

  2. I work a fifty hour week, I go out three nights a week with friends, I'm up to date on all the latest movies, and I still manage to post an item from time to time. So don't whine to me.

  3. you know john nothing like a little sister and the special treatment they receive and being a parent myself im going with a middle of the road 5. as if not id be a hipacrit just ask nate, none the less i got agood laugh from it

  4. Your leaving out the most important point John.....if we did not hide the cereal from both yourself and me (unfortnately) before she arrived, we both know there'd be nothing left when she got here....I for one cannot be trusted. Once she gets here and she opens it, it's every man for himself...I like her to have a little reminder of home when she is here...oh, and by the way, your on the couch as well... ;)

  5. Don't push it John it's a 5 and if you push too hard you may be in the garage with Elvis.

    I do enjoy your sense of humor

  6. John, before I weigh in on the cereal question, I first need to point out you have not mentioned me at all in your "few points"... nor have you commented to any of my blogs or my comments to you on your blog! I do feel a bit bucked off I must say:( Guess it proves my theory Di must be your favorite Aunt. That said I vote a 8...Sorry Wing

  7. Donna, I never realized how funny you can be!...LOL As I said before, I am enjoying these comments as much as the original posts! Chuck, as far as the cereal, it is a 7.

  8. Mostly high numbers so far. And Jimmy has yet to weigh in, I know what his feelings on the topic will be.

    Granted, I'd eat it if it wasn't hidden. That might spur some people to buy two or three boxes of it... especially considering that's part of what I'm supposedly paying for. But we'll drop it for now.

    Oh and Boost... dad flubbed the brand. It's some weird walnut variation. And mom and dad are trying to act like they did it on purpose.

    Donna, being relatively new and having posted a couple of blogs, I decided you did not yet fit into either the good or bad category. You're a tweener. Every two days to me would be the minimum, so you're in danger. But you're fine so far. As for not commenting on your comments, I did read them and I do enjoy reading both your comments and your blogs.

    As to Di being my favorite aunt, quit being asinine. I was about to start talking about each of my different aunts, but a paragraph into it I realized it's a whole blog unto itself, so look for that soon.

    As far as favorite cousin... It was Jess until that snide remark about having a life. Now it's Min. And I'm DEAD serious.

    (Joke, people.)

  9. wow....such hostility...we are talking a box of cereal, not a chef ready to prepare her every whim.....though.....haha And Chuck, you are still not telling the whole story...If we buy 2 boxes, 2 would be eaten, 3 boxes, the same, and so on. They have to know about your love affair wirh cereal. Come on Critter, back me up here..And Donna, again quite funny, and I don't think it takes any effort, you just are. And mom, GOOD ONE....Elvie would be happy I am sure....though I don't know, he IS pretty snippy about his area. I love the blog idea....DO IT

  10. Oh, and I keep Jess...a 10?? how sad.....

  11. WOW people. I came on expecting a nice little chat between loving family members, and instead find me being thrown under the bus! How sad everyone... I haven't been home in 2 months and my parents want me to have an enjoyable breakfast and suddenly it's repulsive? Because what, jumbo John wants to pour the entire box in a mixing bowl and chow it down before the rest of us enjoy a single spoonful? John, mom and dad used to do the same thing for Jim. You would have known that if you had ever come around back then, which you did not. Quit balling. As far as I'm concerned, you can go outside and Elvis will make you a reeeeeeaaall nice breakfast.
    PS- Jess, a 10? We may be in a fight.

  12. not just a 10, but a "very typical" as well! WOW. definitely in a fight.

  13. Boost, the rating is the repulsiveness of mom and dad having special cereal for you, no one blames you for going for it. Take a chill pill.

  14. M.E on having me on the naughty list.

  15. Post more, you'll get to the good one.

  16. i havent been on in a day and this whole crowd is wound up! Deb, its extremely thoughtful for the cereal just jealous cuz im sure my mom doesnt even know what my favorite cereal is. lol. and mel...ME clownhead...JUST as a tip i sent you a nice little letter with a suprise in it for u to new mex the other day....i MIGHT be stopping by the post office to see if i can get it back now... ;)

  17. It's official, I think this blog has gotten more response than any other...what do you think that tells us about this pack?? 1. a pack of desperados? 2. We all love a good laugh? 3. We are all very sure we can out do each other nin a debate? or 4. Food is taken seriously by us all? I'm going with the desperados....

  18. I'll go with all of the above. I'm still annoyed Crusty hasn't seen it yet.

  19. Now I'm under the bus for the stupid cereal. You are such a martyr Jess.

  20. Oh wait...I remember you're favorite brand now...Flakes for Fatty!

  21. easy diet are those carrots in the croc doin?

  22. I just reread my post and cant believe what a ball baby I was being. I guess I really am my fathers daughter...
    that's right dad, you're under the bus now!

  23. It's true, you were being a ball baby. And yes, the tears did remind me of pop.

  24. hahaha No one can ball quite like dad...why do I feel like I am going to soon see the underside of that bus soon??

  25. Just got home and was reading these comments roaring and when I got to yours Jess, I was really rolling. I went out to the living room to tell Min and Scott what you had said about your mom not knowing what your favorite cereal was. Instead of bursting into laughter, she asked if I knew what HER favorite cereal was. Of course, I didn't guess right, so I am now whiffing the bus fumes.

  26. Wow if this keeps up we will have to get more gigs for our computers. I guess I am really a failure I could not tell you any of my kids favorite cereal

  27. Mom, not true. We didn't have cereal then, you actually got up and made us a full breakfast of eggs, toast, and bacon. Unfortunately, that brings up the memory of Dad's cigarette butts on a plate of egg guts...yuck!

  28. Actually I remember mom having a little part time job with Faye selling cereal at the Christopher house. Though you are also right, mom got up every morning and cooked a full blown breakfast all the way through high school. Mom instead of being under a bus you are Betty Crocker!

  29. Mom, if you think about it REALLY hard I know you would remember my favorite cereal?? It's WHEETIES!!! I have to admit something now since this has it's gotten sooo out of control...I am not sure we bought Mel's FAVORITE cereal or not. It is definitely one of her fav's for sure...but I wouldn't swear to it is her fave. Mom, can you remember in high school I whined that your breaksfast were too big and fattening for me so you started making me a bacon sandwhich with one piece of toast and one piece of bacon?? Then you thought that was too nipped so you made me a protein drink with orange juice??? haha Donna what on earth are you talking about with the mom selling cereal thing?? I don't remember that at all?? haha

  30. Mom, just so you will know for future reference, my favorite cereal was KIX. But I actually do not remember having cereal for breakfast very often. You have far more of an excuse for not remembering favortie cereals than I do. You had six kids and you made big protein breakfasts every day. Just shows you how gluish my brain is.......altho' I was sure that Min's favorite cereal was Captain Crunch.

  31. well in the the connolly family cereal was known as breakfast, lunch AND dinner. So we mixed it up ;)

  32. chuck, your so popular! when Debbie was wondering why this blog was getting so many comments, i figured out it was just all of us wanting to be as popular as chuck. haha.

  33. Mel, I have to know. After all of this WAS it your favorite brand of cereal? And don't lie.

  34. If any of my kids come on here I am putting forward another guess on all of them.....Joe, though he hated breakfast in general so I usually made him eggs to get him to eat, IF I had to say I'd guess Fruity Pepples. (which just as tip, ALL of my kids loved so it was only bought on one of their birthdays, when the birthday kid would get his OWN box and then the others all had to split another box....John, you would be such a hard one as you had MANY MANY favorites, and cereal just in general for you was a snack along with a breakfast, but I am going to go with Fruity Pepples when you were young, and maybe cinnamon toast crunch now....Jimmy, again not to picky, but probably Fruity Pepples. I NEVER bought this cereal as it was full of sugar unless it was a special occasion and they fought over it to the point of fists and wrestling. That's why I'd assume it was everyone's fav. It was the most requested on a birthday for sure. It was ALWAYS gone before the day was over. ALWAYS I won't say what I bought Mel until she says what her favorite is. This is of course to assume cereal was their favorite breakfast which it by no means was.....Joe went with French toast with powdered sugar, and John and Jim with pancakes. Again, too much sugar to do very often. Mel on the other hand went with eggs and toast which her daddy would not only make her, but serve it to her on a tray complete with orange juice and a cup of coffee (Decaf of course which he had to make special) while we sat and chewed on Sat. morning. And before anyone can say how replusive, he LOVED doing it, and if she didn't want breakfasr for sone reason, he was openly disappointed. He loved doing things for her for some reason.....

  35. For your information, I just talked to Mel, who is leaving for the airport AGAIN, and asked her flat out what her FAVORITE cereal is. She said, (this is sooo Mel) it depends, if I am eating healthy and the way I want to which is 99% of the time, it is Special K with Vanilla Almonds (this is what I bought) but if I am feeling wild I'd go with Captain Crunch..which personally I have never known her to eat......haha She was very perky I bought what I did...

  36. Fruity Pebbles is my fave, although Cinammon Toast Crunch (CTC as I call it) is also outstanding. Trix used to be great, but they changed it a few years ago and now it's only good.

    Cookie Crisp is also outstanding, and Cookie Crisp wins the title for best tasting milk left behind after the cereal is gone. It's choclatey goodness.

    Captain Crunch is also very, very good, it would rank higher on the list but it's so abrasive that after a hearty bowl, my mouth actually hurts a little bit.

    And though they no longer make it, Jimmy used to have a special relationship with one cereal in particular... Fruity Marshmellow Crispies.

  37. You know, why did they change Trix?? It did use to be delicous, but I actually thought it was just my old gums that could not take a full bowl of Captain Crunch. Very tasty, but harsh.

  38. I didn't even know they changed Trix...and Captain Crunch is wonderful, but it has always scared me because it remains hard and crunchy NO MATTER how long it is in the milk. Think about that....what's on it?? Who knows if it ever dissolves in your stomach... side note, I can't find my glasses, can't see, and can't be responsible for typo errors....

  39. how come NO ONE has mentioned apple jacks??? Take it from the cereal guru over here who eats it for ALL jacks are quite delicious.

  40. I don't like Apple Jacks. Too tangy. Don't get me wrong, they're not bad. But best? I'd put them on a Honey Nut Cheerios level, at best.

    They changed Trix about ten years ago I guess. They used to be little spheres, now they're in the shape of fruit. The taste of each piece is the same, but the air that gets trapped between the spaces in the various fruit shapes makes it take on a slightly different texture and tone, I greatly preferred the original.

    Honestly, in the right mood, nothing tops Grape Nuts with half and half, and a mountain of sugar.

    Sadly, a great cereal that once existed is no longer manufactured. It was called Ice Cream Jones, and it was beautiful. I learned how to play the song from the commercial on the piano. I liked it that much.

  41. Grape Nuts is wonderful and I really can't be trusted with them...haha but they are sooooo dad who is in orbit with them. Plus they will always remind me of the famous grocery store fight dad and I had in our early marriage years. haha that was soooo funny. I'd say Grape Nuts are his hands down and drenched in half and half as well. He has even bought whipped cream and eaten them that way....I have never heard of Ice Cream Jones and I think you made that up...,,

  42. My name's Ice Cream Jones!
    And I'm bringin those kids their ice cream cones!
    My name's Ice Cream Jones!
    Those crispy creamy ice cream cones!

    Crusty would remember.

  43. John, your comment about apple jacks being too tangy, and then having them "at best" in the honey nut cheerios catagory, was HILARIOUS!

  44. Honey nut cheerios category, tops. Not even really that unless I'm in a good mood.

  45. wow! I hate honey nut cherios, but ur right, probably not THE best...How about Lucky charms...the thing with lucky charms is its almost a had to eat ALL the gross boring ones and then had a bowl of sugary marchmellows left. and I was thinking today...has anyone ever heard of the cereal called OH's?? THOSE are my favorite. with cool whip on top. the best for sure.

  46. Actually, I like Honey Nut Cheerios. They are perfect when you want something mildly sweet. As for Lucky Charms....way too sweet, but Jackie LOVES them and I am sure she would consider them her favorite cereal.

  47. I am going to have to try all these tips for extras that never even occured to me... like half and half and whipped cream! May have to crowbar myself out today and buy a box of cereal, and maybe even hide it! lol

  48. I've had Ohs, and yes they are pretty good. They come in small boxes though, and they get a bit abrasive.

    I like Lucky Charms, I don't love them but I like them. My problem with them is that the marshmellow pieces, when I bite them, give me kind of a fingernails on chalkboard sensation. There's something about the cold milk and the chilling sensation of scraping those hardened marshmellows... it bugs me. But I do like Lucky Charms.

  49. whats weird, is that i think i enjoy that sensation of the marshmellow against my teeth...thats the problem when you play the lucky charm game...the marshmellows sit in the milk too long and become a bit soggy...and i totally agree with the box being too small for the OH's...thats why I usually buy 2 to 3 boxes at a time...this tends to either solve my problem or create a new one....i end up eating them until their gone :/

  50. Well, now you have my curiosity up. I just might have to buy a box of the OH's.

  51. Jess, it is my studied opinion that you're better off letting them get soggy. If you don't get the fingernail-on-chalkboard sensation from the marshmellow pieces, you're lucky, but have you ever noticed that the last few bites of Lucky Charms always taste better than the first few bites? I believe it is because the marshmellow pieces taste better when they've absorbed some milk. You've been conditioned to believe "soggy" is bad and "crisp" is good, but I reject that notion.

  52. well, considering my last few bites usually consist of just marshmellows i would say it does tend to taste better. on this note, i think they should come up with a cereal that consist of just marshmellows. who likes those sick alphabet pieces anyways?

  53. wow I had no idea this blog was still going..haha I had soo many thoughts reading through all these comments, I'm sure I will never remember.....but first, who could hate Honey Nut Cheerios?? they are delicious...and Lucky Charms look so horrid I have never even tried them....I remember Oh's for some reason and remember them being a stun but expensive for what you get....AND after having stolen a couple of bowls of Mel's Special K vanilla Almond while she was here, I think I have a new fav.....they are a stun....but cereal for me (like John) is a treat and I could easily make them a snack so I really have to not buy them....When Jim got her on sat. he quickly poured a bowl of rice krispies using cool whip instead of milk, to tide himself over till Jeff got here with lunch...Mel almost barfed, but I secretly wanted to steel them....haha

  54. Oh my gosh Jess! That comment on liking the feel of the marshmallow on your teeth was REALLY funny! In regard to the Lucky Charms (one of my personal favs) I think the game was to make sure each bite had a ratio of at least 3 alphas per marshmallow. A far better combo. I must admit, I believe I too enjoyed the sensation of the marshmallow crushing under my teeth. I'm surprised no one's come up with Cocoa Krispies. mmmmmmm

  55. I am not a chocolate fan, so that cereal has never had a big appeal to me. One cereal that is literally a dessert in my book is Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I can eat it right out of the box and it is mouth watering. I can NEVER actually buy it.

  56. Di, God created Cinnamon Toast Crunch on a day he was in a VERY good mood.

    Danae, I found your ratio of lucky charms alphas and marshmellow to be totally accurate and hilarious. You're looking for a 4:1 ratio and that's where the taste sweet spot is.

    As for Cocoa Krispies, I'm not a fan of anything chocolate flavored, only chocolate itself. So CKs don't do much for me. But they do leave behind a truly delicious chocolate milk when the cereal is gone, and it's utterly delicious.

    Nothing can ever top Fruity Pebbles in my opinion. That's cereal at it's highest evolution.

  57. All of this talk of Lucky Charms has made me think that maybe I should go ahead and try them out...heaven forbid there is something out there that is REALLY good that I haven't even and yeah, cinnamon toast crunch is an utter stun that must be avoided...

  58. If you can believe this, I was in the store yesterday and purchased a box of Sugar Pops. I haven't had it in so many years, I don't remember when I've bought them last. But I recall they were REALLY good and all this talk about cereal made me buy them...

  59. haha I remeber Sugar Pops and I didn't care for them as I recall...they had almost a weird wheaty taste or something...can't believe they are still around..haha HOWEVER, I have had a literal craving for Coca Krispies....I loved them.....they could be good for rice krispie treats too huh?? I must stop thinking of cereal.

  60. Not a Sugar Pops fan either. They remind me of camping, when we would buy one of those multi-paks of different cereals. They were never one of the first ones picked....

  61. I had forgotten all about those multi-paks...haha yeah, remember those?? Of course they were a total joke and waste of time at my house since the boys would need 4 or 5 (at least) for a snack let alone a meal...Do they still even have them?? Can you tell how often I even let myself venture onto the actual cereal aisle?? Jeff usually cereal shops as I can't be trusted....haha

  62. So I'm in the 99cent store w/Mom yesterday and they have those small size boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. So I buy 3 for Jess. I'm so hungry on the way out, I open one and go to eat it. Mom takes one and spouts out "They're stale! Take them back!" So I'm now cutting in from of the girl that was behind me, the checker says "I need a manger!" big hulabalu, fill out a form...and she hands me a buck! Sorry Jess, no cereal.

  63. Lol Nae. Well since this is all still going I am going to weigh in with "one" (as I have many, cinnamon toast crunch is of the chart good)of my fav's is frosted flakes, actually what's even better than the original is the generic kind they have at Stater Bros. I believe they are in some sort of a penguin box...

  64. Your right Donna..... I L O V E THOSE!!

  65. wow! Im really sad on no cereal for me...I litterally got reeeaally excited when I thought I was getting a box. and to comment on the multi-paks i hated those as well. what was the point? there was like three pieces of cereal in one box. you had to eat the entire multi-pak for a full bowl. and pops were always left at our house too...until mom ate them. lol

  66. This is my first comment on this winding, twisting blog. Having read the above, I counted at least 20 people, myself included, thrown under the bus, for a variety of offenses, or perceived offenses. The bus sizes ranges from mini van, to Alaska sized earth movers! The blog is about cereal, I never commented, and yet I am mentioned as a "baller extrodinaire" at least 4 times, by four different people. OK, I won't bother to deny it, and most some of my kids inherited the balling gene, so let me start balling. Having the benefit of seeing the comments, answers, re answers, etc, I can easily point out many fallacies and corrections. John, you were proved completely wrong, I purchased the exact and correct cereal, it was not "some Walnut" Special K. Your Mother was 100% right, NO amount of purchased ceral would ever be enough for everyone, unless you have Bill Gates kind of money. Here is the one fact that so far only I know: Even though I HID this box of cereal until Mel could get the first bowl, and tried to hid it after, I STILL had to go back to the store, and purchase a SECOND box, to last out Melody's short visit. Even then, she barely could fill a bowl the last day. Point made, slam dunk! As far as best cereal, again Deb comes through- Grape Nuts with Half & Half is the all timer champion cereal treat, and can be used for breakfast, lunch, dinner, late night etc. Jessica, Michelle, and any cereal orphans out there, try it, you will see what I mean. It has special significanse to me, half and half was expensisve, we had it only sparingly as a kid, so it represents extravagence and indulgence to me. (My Dad would comment that I was a "Baller" on that one)The only "bowl" of cereal my son John could not take down in one sitting? Easy, we drain the pool, fill it too the brim with Fruity & milk. But if Joe, Jim and Mel were there to help, well you would not want to jump off the diving board afterwards.

  67. The visual of the swimming pool filled was hilarious.

  68. So i'm late but i'm in for a comment. level of repulsiveness - 5. not a biggie. feeling very martyrish as an only child whose mom doesn't even know her favorite cereal, which is frosted flakes, a total basic and not even hard one. i totally agree chuck, captain crunch is abrasive and you have a hurt mouth after. cinnamon toast crunch is a stun, but i could easily eat a whole box. and as for me being chucks favorite cousin, that was a given. what i want to know is why no one has mentioned the funniest of all stories about when john couldn't say the word "fruity" as would flip jimmy into a rage. lol. then he would simply walk by and say "f". lol. does anyone else remember that?

  69. We all do. And Min, it wasn't mentioned because the wounds are still too fresh. We don't talk about that around here. Still.

  70. wow...this is STILL going?? After checking back on the "cell phone" blog I decided to check this too....haha and yes Min "fruity's" was the source of MANY a fight at the Class weird, it doesn't seem that long ago...and I dwelt back on cereals, I decided that if I didn't have to worry about too much sugar, or what was kind of healthy or not, Wheeties remains my fave...with WHOLE milk and tons of sugar....wish I could eat it right now instead of PLAIN oatmeal, with fat free milk, and on pac of equal.... :( some things are just not fair....
