Nina, my mother's cleaning woman, comes every other Tuesday. She is INCREDIBLY annoying. (Note that I called her my mother's cleaning woman, because everyone else would kick her to the curb so fast your head would spin.)
Here is a list of annoying things about her. (Note this is only the short list, as a full list would take hours to read, and weeks to write.)
1. When she comes to wake you up to kick you out of your room so she can "clean" it, she yells in the most shrill, annoying voice ever. "Joooooohnnnny, it's time Nina clean now... you have go!!!!!" I woke up to that voice many times. It is not a nice feeling. It's a bad feeling. Jimmy had a bad dream about it once.
2. She has a list of specific cleaning products she leaves for my mother, who has to go buy those specific products and leave them in a specific place in the garage. The "Nina" shelf. If that area of the garage is disturbed, Nina (angrily) gripes about it, and my parents are so scared of her that if so much as a single bottle of 409 has been moved three inches to the left, questions will be asked.
3. Last summmer when gas prices spiked up, Nina demanded an extra $20 per week as a gas surcharge. Mind you, she's driving about eight miles to get here. Her exact comment was, "Debbie, all my other clients just offered to pay it without Nina asking. I don't think it will hurt you." Of course, now that gas prices have gone back down, do you suppose Nina repealed the gas surcharge? Of course not.
4. Each Monday night before Nina comes, we all have to listen to a lecture by my mother about how Nina is coming tomorrow, so for God's sake don't do this or that or the other thing. Then each Tuesday when you come home, it's Nina cleaned today, don't do this that or the other thing.
Example of this...
When she vacuums in the family room, it leaves these little lines in the carpet. So if anyone steps on the carpet in that room after it's been vacuumed, it ruins the lines and leaves tiny footprints in the carpet. My mother loves those lines. To her, they are physical manifestations of a clean home, a clean soul, and a life well lived.
So no one is allowed to walk in that room for several days after Nina has been there. Because that would create a tapestry of footsteps, and fade the perfectly straight lines into oblivion. And it's very annoying sometimes to have to walk all the way around the other side of that room to get to the kitchen.
Just as a tip, here is a little something I copied from a mental health website:
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder most commonly characterized by intrusive, repetitive thoughts resulting in compulsive behaviors and mental acts that the person feels driven to perform, according to rules that must be applied rigidly, aimed at reducing anxiety by preventing some dreaded event or by resolving a more nebulous sense of tension.
Something to think about.
5. My mother is horrified of Nina. She won't ask her to change any routine, and she quickly leaps into action if Nina asks for something. She once hauled the vacuum into ther car and brought it to be repaired, same day, because Nina scolder her for not having done it earlier, even though there was another perfectly good vacuum. Also, my mom hides from Nina while she's here. She literally sneaks, on tipped toes, to a new room so Nina won't see her. Why is it ok to be afraid of your cleaning woman?
That's enough for now.
Oh my gosh...every bit as good as I'd hoped and then some! Thanks Chuck.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to add that even as an occasional visitor to your home I recall having to avoid the living room carpet so as not to disturb the lines.
ReplyDeleteOf course you realize I must claify a few things. While eveyone has a hard time with Nina and her scolding, EVERYONE enjoys the wonder she leaves behind.....and both Joe and Mel and even you Chuck have wanted her services after you have moved....She hasn't always been a problem for me that I hid from. She has become that way in the last few years as she has aged and gone into menapause. She is tired and no longer likes her work. I don't know how she ever did like it. AND it is not that the carpet lines I is the knowing that the walkway between the front door and the kitchen is not being used daily as when you kids lived here it was a CONSTANT dirty walk way. It was ALWAYS drove me wild. Soooo I made the rule that all must walk around where I have rugs etc. that keep the high traffic areas clean. This keeps my living room nice and keeps me from having to replace the carpet as eventually no matter what you did it wouldn't come clean... the lines let me know if all are following the rule. Dad is my witness on this. Eventually somebody defiantly walks through, and once a footprint is spotted, it is a free for all for us all. I am scared of Nina and I am not sure why...,she always has some scolding or draining thing to say. HOWEVER this is very sad, I know she loves us all and calls you kids her kids. She was never able to have her own. She has no idea you all hate her, Poor Nina......
ReplyDeleteDanae, that room is a problem even for casual visitors, such as yourself. Full time residents end up developing a neaurotic complex about it.
ReplyDeleteThis was well worth the wait! Perhaps, given her temperment, it is better she never had kids......she might not have survived the stress. Let's face it, if a moved 409 bottle pushes her buttons, what would a mouthy teenager do? I am still roaring about the gas charge as I can hear her droning voice saying it...."Deeeebbbbie, it won't hurt you."
ReplyDeleteI will have to admit times I have been over being told not to walk through the living room to the kitchen. I remember once Todd was with me and actually walked across when it was still lined I muffled a scream "get off" luckily he wasn't that far and was able to leap back to the tile...wheeew it was a close one, and yes I was a bit scared.
ReplyDeleteOH A GOOD ONE I forgot...
ReplyDeleteOne time my mom got too big for a pair of pants she owned, and Nina pointed out that they were too small for my mom and asked if she could have them.
THINK of it.
Don't even get me going on the pants story....Nina was so far over the top on that it wasn't even funny.
ReplyDeletei have reread this post multiple times in hysterics...i LITERALLY had to read it over the phone to melanie...i mean at the airport who can barely breathe to get on here and post a comment. lol. I do have to say that the summers spent at Mels house I was well aware of the nina days. and must remark that melody was just as scared. COUNTLESS times I would try to walk through the family room to the kitchen before melody would bark out "JESS!!! NOT THROUGH THE FAMILY ROOM!" giving me a "what could I POSSIBLY be thinking" look. At my house the only thing we had to worry about was making sure to go to bed with socks on our feet. right mel? lol
ReplyDeletequite intertaining i must admit!thanks chuck i needed i little laughter this morning and this really hit the spot!
ReplyDeleteDeb, I wish I could cut and paste your comment on the main blog over here to keep it in the same place. Moving forward, please remember to do so.
ReplyDeleteMy comment is that it's apparent you do have a "carpet fetish" you went on and on about the different carpets and colors, and reasons, and trauma's for hours. The funny thing is I have always thought it was due to the Christopher blue carpet and Princess. I remember vacumming the small area for HOURS it seems and STILL not getting all of the hair off. Mom, I think you're partly to blame (and I'm sure you could blame your mom and so on) as I do recall praying for a passed inspection only to have a finger pointing around the carpet to show areas missed. I believe it was the same finger I saw tapping the inside of a window for missed spots!
Back to my point Deb, I don't think anyone was truly tramatised (except Chuck who is tweaked for MANY reasons) and the only reasons we're all carrying on about it is it's fun.
You want the real bottom line... I honestly think it's obsessive compulsive disorder. That goes hand in hand with anxiety disorders.
ReplyDeleteI'm obsessive compulsive myself, and let's face it, I didn't get it from my dad's side of the family. They just supplied me with my rabid thirst for alcohol. OCD - That's a Merrick thing.
But it was all meant to be funny, not emotional.
Joe (my brother) and I talked about the carpet a few months ago and laughed till our guts hurt, so I thought others might find it funny too. Which they did, it seems.
I myself have found it HILARIOUS! And of course no one can relate to OCD (I have to check curling irons are off, doors are locked, garage doors are shut, the list goes on) like me. Don't even need to start with my anxiety... I agree we are all cursed just some more than others.
ReplyDeleteAGAIN, I cannot believe that because I have this rule for every day life at the Class house hold, that anyone would think it was ever meant to apply to "company" was not & does PLEASE feel free to walk anywhere in that room you would like to anytime you are at my house!!! This does NOT APPLY to anytone LIVING at this house, or any of my kids stopping by for a quick (less than 10 min. which would mainly be Joe) visit...The room is NOT, repeat NOT a shrine, and neither is the carpet....and as I have dwelled on it, I personally don't like the vacuum tracks anymore than I like footprints or dirt. I simply prefer them to the other choices. By the way, I HATE to think I "scare" people and I've heard it more than once just on this story's funny how you think you know peoples preception of yourself....I guess I have been a little off base. I have also posted this here so as to try and keep it in the same place. I did tell you today about my dilemma Danae in that I couldn't seem to get that to post last night under John's comment...Let's see if this will...
ReplyDeletethis is just a test to see if I CAN actually copy and paste this to the right area....
ReplyDeleteOn a quick side note, I tried to write this last night and it got lost on John's comment post on Nina. Don't know why.. I will say it here.....I am shocked at every ones stories and feels on my carpet issues. Donna, I honestly can't believe I would make you (and especially Todd) walk around. I must have lost it. The whole point of the room was to have a room in my house that always looked nice without badly dirty traffic areas for company. Not a shrine room.....And Jessie while it was sad you too were subject to the rules of the room, you were here way too much to be anything more than part of my pack of kids....I don't like you remembering your visits here though by thinking of "my weird carpet" rules, kind of sad.....You know it was only after I got the gold carpeting (which all the boys had moved out by then I might add) that I really had the rule going with a way of knowing if anyone broke it. The gray carpet, and the white carpet showed no footprints or no carpet lines....they were RUINED by the dark dirt patch that was uncleanable, but no one would ever admit they walked through.....When I got the gold and saw I had a way of really knowing (I can and could detect who it was by the size of the footsteps haha) I became more fanatical, plus Jeff told me I couldn't replace the carpet again maybe ever but certainly not for years, I felt panic and I just couldn't bear the dirt patch again.... (I also think all this proves it is the dirt that is the issue, not "seeing" vacuum lines) I will admit I have a very weird "carpet" syndrome where dirty carpet REALLY bothers me....I hate lint too, BADLY... and the gold carpet doesn't show that either which I think is one of the reasons for sure I am not locked up somewhere....I think it is the Christopher house and Princess loose on the blue carpet that tweaked me.....but after hearing how I traumatized everyone (including non household members) on my carpet rules, I decided to re-think the rule and loosen up.....but then I got up this morning and saw that an open umbrella was tossed casually onto the carpet and I felt my throat swelling and a familiar feel of panic and I just don't know if I can do it......HAVE A GOOD DAY......
Joseph said...
On the carpet story. You even have me afraid to walk on it if no one has yet added a footprint.
Old as I am I have had to walk down to the family room and up to the kitchen.
Same for your poor Mom. she would not dare to walk on the shrine carpet. Unless we were invited to sit in the living room.
However, I must admit I like to look at the vacuum tracks, and that first footprint spoils the feel. You know how we all like to have that special feel. LOL
Wow I am a genius...I've actually moved them all here...and now if I'm really good, I will remove them from the main goes
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMom, I can tell you are saddened by everyone thinking you're "crazy" and "scary" about your carpet thing, so let me just say a few things about it... in this family, we all have our crazy, scary moments. I used to roll my eyes at you for making me pick up every tiny crumb before ANYONE came over, but recently I found myself fluffing pillows and getting two little plates into the dishwasher before a random internet man came over who probably wouldn't have noticed if bombs were going off in the house. So thanks a lot for passing down your crazy gene, although I definitely didn't get it as bad as you did. Not that I don't have a hundred other things that might make me certifiably insane. Which brings me back to my point. We all have our issues, this is yours. Embrace it. We still love you.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I got off on a mom tangent when I had something to say about the Nina thing! John, excellent blog. Might have been the highlight of my week so far. Nina is one of the most annoying people on the planet. I used to keep my makeup brushes on my vanity. This drove Nina insane. She would come and find where I was hiding in the house (when I did not have the good sense to wait until she left to come home)and say, "Melanniieee, you left the makeup on the vanity, you need to pick it up.. pick it up for Nina!!" I can honestly tell you, very little annoyed me more on the earth than that sentence. I explained to her that I liked the brushes there. I did not want them moved. She did it anyway. Every single time. THEN, and this is the part my mom doesn't buy, she HID THEM. I would look in the drawer she usually placed them in and found they weren't there. I would end up finding them in a random weird drawer across the room. Nina so hated those makeup brushes that she actually HID THEM FROM ME. That said, I do wish she could appear at my house while I'm at work, buff everything, then disapper upon my arrival back home.
ReplyDeleteI believe from the bottom of my heart that Nina did hide those brushes. That's SO Nina. Passive aggressive, something she could easily deny if she were accused in public. She DID hide the brushes, I'd swear it at gunpoint.
ReplyDeleteI used to have piles of papers and drawings in my room, and it drove her NUTS, and every time when she'd been in there, I'd find some of them stacked in neat pile, and others, that were right there with the others, in odd places around the room. It could have been nothing but a DELIBERATE attempt to get me to self-regulate my paperwork. Passive aggressive. Nina.
And as to the carpet thing, I have no doubt in my mind that as kids we destroyed the carpet and that was the reason for the carpet rules. The point of bringing the issue up was to highlight the annoyance of Nina and her visits, not to chastise mom for the carpet. Though, I think we all agree, it's funny.
ReplyDeleteAnd the bottom line is, mom used to try and have it going that Nina was not scary or annoying, and now Nina has spiraled so far out of control that even my mother, Nina's staunchest supporter, has to admit Nina is scary and annoying.
Down to decorating tips.
I guess I am afraid it is true....Nina has turned downright frightening, but she cleans the house sooo well and sooo thoroughly I simply must put up with it....."perhaps" I have taken the carpet issue a tid too seriously, but it does seem I have fought the dirt on carpets my whole life and therefore have lost my sense of humor on it....and considering to this day Nina will find a loose penny on the floor and put it on whatever table she found it closer to, you will NEVER convince me she hid your make up brushes. NEVER... However, her list of annoying remarks continues to grow, and her frowning face and defiance is growing as well. She continues to chastize me if she ever finds a window open....."Debbie, Nina does not like to clean the dirt out of the window sills and off of the need to close them...." I came home this week (after she had left of course) and found she had closed every one....defiance is her latest vice...
ReplyDeleteDang. I'd already posted something somewhere else where this topic came up before I saw you'd been able to copy and paste them... I am VERY impressed.
ReplyDeleteI, too, am impressed, Deb. I think Chuck hit the nail on the head with regards to the carpet issue.......... Who cares????? I'm sure if I would have had a cleaning woman going I would have been a bit fanatical about keeping things clean after, as well. But the stories were FUNNY!
ReplyDeleteI just thought of another "scary" Nina story. On several different occasions when I would be talking to Debbie on the phone and Nina came in the room (with Debbie having a muffled "oh no it's Nina") she would have to quickly exit the phone to talk to Nina instead of just simply saying I am on the phone with my sister Nina I will talk with you in a minute.... Still even though she's really irro I am sure a buffed palace is worth it!
ReplyDeleteHaving remained silent on the "Nina" issue, I am only now going to break my self imposed silence. Like many things from the past in our family, the carpet issue is blown out of proportion.
ReplyDeleteI am not annoyed, I am actually quite amused. As Debbie has said, the not walking on a freshly cleaned carpet was for OUR family only.
The whole point was not to have to do it again,
when company came. If some people came over and choose to not be the first to leave tracks, it was because of their own cleaning fetish. In this extended family, we ALL know who is the Mother of all cleaning fetish's. Did you notice Donna admits it was her that told Todd to get off, in a whispered, terse voice? There is no way in the WORLD Debbie would have ever told her Mother or Joe Hall to "NOT WALK ON THE CARPET" If Greta saw a fresh tracks on a carpet, do I believe SHE might have told Joe to stay off? You can all answer that question yourself, it's obvious, and Joe has had so many years of "training" from Greta he would have walked back to HB to get around it.
This is the amusing part; when someone like Joe Hall says something like "You even had me afraid to walk on it". Ya, right Joe, in all these years, we all know how "timid" and "frightened" you are. And how you just submissively obey any command thrown your way, lol, give me a break! Next, Dean will be describing how he once burst into tears because Debbie yelled at him for a carpet violation. Please....
Now, my Nina confessions go like this: Over the years, I have been guilty of blaming poor Nina for a variety of things, lost or misplaced items, etc. Invariably, it turned out to NOT be the case. Nina has always taken a bad rap from the boys, because she called them out on bad behavior, like casually tossing popsicle sticks behind the couch, etc.
As Debbie aptly pointed out, they all liked the end result, and to this day, they all covet a "Nina" clean house. Nuff said.
Jeff I was joking I never thought that Deb would tell me not to walk on it.
ReplyDeleteBut if I came into the house and saw the carpet had no footprints, I would not walk on it because I would be thinking I was subject to the family rule. LOL