Monday, April 20, 2009

No point

I haven't blogged in a while, mainly because no one else is.

It was good to see Mel again. Always is. If only she didn't stink so badly. And kick me out of the bed that I pay full market value for, and not a penny less. Even though there's a bed downstairs.

Britney was fun. I don't like Britney Spears' music, but I do kind of like her as a person and it's good to see her on stage doing what she does. The show itself was pretty impressive, the dancers and the stage show element of it was really pretty cool. Kind of a cirque de soleil feel. I could grip about the fact that she didn't even sing, and about the fact that she was off the stage practically as often as she was on it. But I guess you don't go see Britney because you're hoping to be blow away by the musical talent. Let's be honest, she has none. But she's a major star and a great dancer and you can literally feel her charisma from two hundred yards away.

I tried to put some of the pictures I took of Britney on facebook, but I can't really figure out how to work the photos section of facebook yet. Myspace was better in that regard.

Saturday I went out with my old buddy Gerimi and we stayed out pretty late and tied one on. I tried to get smelly melly to join us for a while but she was busy doing absolutely nothing. Plus she only would have gotten seven hours of sleep before her four hour plane ride where you're not allowed to sleep. So she couldn't come. And never has, by the way.

And it was interesting to see the women's bible study and join in. Ruth should be good, I always had a fondness for the old testament stories, can't say Ruth was ever high on the list but for some reason I usually enjoy OT over NT studies.

The diet is going horribly. I've been dieting enough to not enjoy food or life, but not enough to lose any real weight. Ho hum.

Was good to see Jim and Larissa again too. JD is becoming frighteningly like his father. And watching Capri is almost frightening to me because it reminds me so much of being that age.

Congrats to Dean!!!

Jess, if you see this, did you ever get a look at the proof Rhonda should have sent you? How is it? I think she sent it to the studio.

I've lost almost all interest in Idol this year. Boring year. I just don't care about what happens to a single one of those people.

I slept till very late this afternoon so I'm going to skip tonight and try to shove through. Hopefully tomorrow night I'll crash right when I get home and reset my clock. Then I should be good for another few days. My mom always tells me to just go to bed at a normal time, or not stay up so late on the weekends... but it's a problem I've had my whole life. My body wants to stay up late and sleep late, there's really nothing I can do about and I've tried everything other than drugs. And of course I can't take a sleeping pill because then I'd suffocate. Duh.

General note to all, blog more. I need the entertainment. I'm reading them whether I comment or not.


  1. Let's see how this works out for you...I do believe the ONLY way to solve this is to GO TO BED at somewhat or a reg. time EVERY night...but you NEVER listen to me, even though I am a guru on getting enough sleep to function. Oh, and blog rather others do or not...goodness knows I do....we can entertain each other at least....haha and we are pretty entertaining....

  2. I can go to bed any time I want, it doesn't mean I'm going to fall asleep. That's what I don't think you've ever understood. I can lay down at ten o'clock, it just means I'll lay there for five hours before I fall asleep.

  3. No, what I mean is "if" you went to bed EVERY night at say 11, or 12, and got up EVERY morning at 6 or 7, you would be able to sleep MUCH easier and better than sleeping until like 2 or 3 in the afternoon a couple of days a week after having gone to bed around 5 or so...and then the rest of the week TRYING to go so sleep early so you can get up for work....your body NEVER has a regular routine, so you have it messed up the way you do......IF YOU GOT UP EVERY DAY by 7, you'd never have any trouble falling asleep by will never convince me any different....

  4. I know you well enough to know your mind closes like a steel trap once its latched onto something, and I know my body well enough to know you're wrong. When Jen and I lived in Santa Ana I went to bed at the exact same time she did every night at 10, because she couldn't handle me staying up without her, and every night I tossed and turned till 1 or 2 and then fell asleep. I'd wake up at seven and be exhausted and stumble through the day, and then I'd get home and suddenly at ten or eleven I get this burst of energy I didn't have all day and couldn't get to sleep.

    It's not a character problem or a logic problem or a simple equation of rising and falling. It's a sleep disorder, pure and simple.

    You should know that all through grade school I was always tired, my teachers always told you I always seemed tired, and I went to bed and woke up at the same time every single day. Or at least was put to bed. In high school the only thing that changed was that on weekends I let my body do what it wanted to do, which is to stay up till five in the morning and then sleep till two the next day. And it didn't really alter my sleeplife during the week one iota.

    If I could ever find a job that was from midnight to eight in the morning or so, I'd be fine. As long as I'm in the regular nine to five world, I'm screwed.

  5. Read this and I dare you to deny it doesn't describe me and my life to a tee...

  6. Here's some highlights...

    Attempting to force oneself onto daytime society's schedule with DSPS has been compared to constantly living with 6 hours of jet lag; the disorder has, in fact, been referred to as "social jet lag".

    [6] Often, sufferers manage only a few hours sleep a night during the working week, then compensate by sleeping until the afternoon on weekends. Sleeping in on weekends, and/or taking long naps during the day, may give people with the disorder relief from daytime sleepiness but may also perpetuate the late sleep phase.

    People with DSPS tend to be extreme night owls. They feel most alert and say they function best and are most creative in the evening and at night. DSPS patients cannot simply force themselves to sleep early. They may toss and turn for hours in bed, and sometimes not sleep at all, before reporting to work or school. Less extreme and more flexible night owls, and indeed morning larks, are within the normal chronotype spectrum.

    By the time DSPS patients seek medical help, they usually have tried many times to change their sleeping schedule. Failed tactics to sleep at earlier times may include maintaining proper sleep hygiene, relaxation techniques, early bedtimes, hypnosis, alcohol, sleeping pills, dull reading, and home remedies. DSPS patients who have tried using sedatives at night often report that the medication makes them feel tired or relaxed, but that it fails to induce sleep. They often have asked family members to help wake them in the morning, or they have used several alarm clocks. As the syndrome is most common in adolescence, it is often the patient's parents who initiate seeking help, after great difficulty waking their child in time for school.

  7. I just went on and read the wikipedia description. Very interesting... I really believe there are morning and night people and they have very distinct body clocks. In reading the article it says, as with most things, there are degrees of severity. Mild- 2 hour delay, moderate- 3 hour delay, and severe- 4 or more hour delay. Even at this point in my life, getting up in the morning any earlier than 7 or 7:30 is a push. I could literally punch someone. At night, midnight is when I really try and call it a wrap. It does not always work out that way....... The best job I ever had for my body clock was when I worked the night shift at Bob's Big Boy. I started work at 5 or 6 at night and got off at 1 or 2 in the morning. I would get up early some days and then drive to the beach and take a 2 hour nap. It was perfect!

  8. What really struck me as interesting about the wikipedia entry was the sentence about constantly feeling like you've got a six hour jet lag. That really hits home with me because I've felt that way my whole life to one degree or another, particularly since high school. Everyone is wide awake and chirpy when I'm tired and rundown, and then I'm just waking up when everyone else goes to sleep. People always think I'm tired all the time, and I always tell them, just check back in with me in seven hours, I'll be wide awake and full of pep!

  9. As a PS - I've often wondered how my life might have been different if I hadn't been exhausted all through high school and most of my career.
